How to protect your ears while wearing masks

Face masks are essential in protecting yourself and others from the coronavirus, but they are not easy to put on. Many of us are now experiencing another unwanted side effect: ear pain.

The loop that holds the mask in place can put a lot of pressure on the ears and irritate the skin, but there are some things you can do to avoid this. From skincare to face masks to earmuffs, these are the tricks that specialists swear.

n95 mask

Why do masks irritate my ears so much?

The majority of us wear a mask for Halloween as a one-time costume that may be removed. However, now that we wear masks in public regularly, we've discovered that they may be pretty uncomfortable. Moisture and rubbing might irritate sensitive skin since long-term use of masks can irritate it. In addition, some masks are held by a loop around the skull, while others are secured by a loop around the ears, which might be irritating to your ears.

Bruising, rough skin, acne, and increased acne are all examples of stimulation.

"This can result in open wounds and scabs on the skin, which can raise the risk of infection and make wearing masks in these places problematic." Face masks and earmuffs are frequently worn together. The ear loops are relieved of pressure and inflammation.
Is it unavoidable that face masks like N95 masks cause ear irritation?

It's difficult, but not impossible, to avoid ear irritation while wearing a face mask. However, there are several techniques to:.

Put together a first-aid kit. To protect your ears from irritation and skin damage caused by prolonged pressure from the mask, use a thin silicone foam dressing suited to your ears. "Unless you're in a high-risk region and can maintain an acceptable social distance, try a cotton mask with cotton ear straps,” Synthetic fibres are the opposite of natural fibres. It is less irritating to the skin than fibre.

To prevent ear irritation and discomfort caused by wearing a mask or face cover, use a twice-daily moisturizing cleanser and a twice-daily non-comedogenic facial moisturizer.

Use hyaluronic acid, glycerine, niacinamide, and ceramide in a moderate skincare routine. Maintains the hull's health as much as feasible. Colloidal oatmeal is a fantastic ingredient to look for since it generates a breathable coating on the skin and has anti-inflammatory qualities.

Treat irritation: earmuffs recommend using an obstructive ointment with antibacterial qualities in open or rough places if you have an open, uncomfortable, or painful spot.
What can you do to make it more comfortable?

If the pressure of a face mask is bothering your ears, some inventive items (commonly referred to as "earmuffs") can help.
  • Look for a mask with no elastic ear loops and a drawstring.
  • Attach the ear loops to the buttons on the headband or hat's sides. 
  • Try the ear saver clip, which is worn on the back of the head and keeps the elastic ear loops in place.


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