Different ways in which you can use masks and how effective these are?

The covid fiasco changed the entire scenario of the world. And with new variants popping up every few months like delta (B1.617.2) and Kappa (B1.617.1) have taken the livelihood of a common man into a toss! To combat these situations, there are numerous measures available to protect yourself from these lethal types. There are now nine mask versions available in the Indian market. It is essential to educate you that are these masks as not as divine as you believe. And popular medicos across the world have been advised to use N95 masks that can easily provide protection around 95%.
N95 Masks: Epidemic experts in India have advised people to use this type if they live in a city that has an infectious rate of more than 50%. These masks are also called FFP2 masks and according to European testing standards, they can effectively provide you with the protection of 95% from airborne particles. 

Using and Reusing N95 Masks

Most physicians do not advise using a mask more than once or twice. However, there is no reliable information on how many times these masks should be reused. The fundamental guideline is that it should fit your face snugly and cover your lips and nostrils. If you use spectacles, make sure your mask fits snugly over your nose to avoid fogging your lenses.

Common Hack

Most doctors advise buying at least five masks, and you could use them each day. The ones not in use can be easily wrapped up in a paper bag to avoid contamination. These ways five masks can be used in rotation for three weeks. This hack is quite useful in the long run. However, you need to make sure that you buy it from reputed N95 mask manufacturers.
Some other common ways in which people cover their faces for getting some protection are-
  1. Bandana: A square piece of fabric worn around the neck or around the mouth to keep dust, cough, and sneeze-related spray at bay. It keeps dust and other particles from getting into the respiratory system.
  2. Cotton/Handmade Masks: These masks came into power mode when there was a terrible shortage in the number of medical masks since April 2020. Dr. Merlin Moni, an Associate professor at the infectious disease division at Amrita Hospitals, Kochi said “wearing a cotton mask is not a viable solution against protecting from aerosol-mediated transmission found in crowded places like markets and high-risk zones like hospitals and medical facilities; where following social distancing rules is quite impossible. He further added that using the cotton mask prevents you by only 50%.
  3. T-shirt Mask: This mask is unquestionably more comfortable and softer, but it does not protect you from these lethal variations.
  4. Store-bought cloth mask: Its effectiveness depends upon the type of fabric used. But if it is multilayered, it can offer maximum protection of up to 80%. 
  5. Cloth Masks with filter: Many store-bought masks come with a folded tissue, made of polypropylene material, a durable synthetic material used in upholstery to hold minute particles. The point is you need to change this tissue daily. This type of mask provides up to 70% protection.
  6. Neck Gaiters and Balaclavas: A tube of fabric is worn around the neck that can be pulled upwards and can be easily lowered. The sad news is, many of these are made of synthetic fabric, which does allow particles to enter, making them a poor choice for preventing fatal variants.
  7. Disposable Surgical Mask: These masks are designed for one-time use. It can only filter 60% of inhaled particles.
  8. Cone-style masks: This fits your mouth and nose effectively and is better than using a bandana.


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