Why does the blister packaging manufacturer use PVC?

The consumer goods, electronics, and pharmaceutical industries all employ blister packaging, a flexible pre-formed plastic packaging material. Different kinds of polymers, including PVC, PVDC, PCTFE, COP, and a few others, are used to create blister packaging. We have seen that a good PVC blister packaging manufacturer always uses PVC as its prime raw material.

pvc blister packaging

PVC as raw material

Resistance Gear: When a blister manufacturing company uses PVC as raw material, the inside contents are protected from liquids such as water and water vapour by the thermoformed polymer. The back cover acts as a shield to complete the entire cover. The water resistance of the back lid of the blister package is made of PVC which makes an efficient gear for the item.

Barrier Gear: when PVC is used, it acts as a potent defense against oxygen and moisture. As more layers of polymers are added throughout the manufacturing process to create the blister packing, the barrier qualities get better.

UV Gear: As the blister package is made of PVC, the amount of UV light that penetrates the blister can be easily controlled by simply adjusting the transparency of the blister packing. Metallic PVC increases the shelf life of perishables and completely blocks UV rays. That is the purpose of using PVC in the 1st place.

Protective Gear: A product can be shielded from unintentional drops or bumps with blister packing made of PVC. The product is also shielded from scratches by the robust outer polymer coating.

Tamper Gear: PVC Blister packs make the product readily observable. This enables the buyer to make informed decisions while purchasing goods. Blister packets for medications enable customers to see the capsule or pill up close. As a result, it is considerably simpler to detect medications.

Visibility Gear: Blister packets make the product readily observable. This enables the buyer to make informed decisions while purchasing goods. Blister packets for medications enable customers to see the capsule or pill up close. As a result, it is considerably simpler to detect medications.

The downfall of using PVC

PVC is a good source of phthalates. The term “good source” does not invigorate good vibes. But is a red signal. Excess exposure to phthalates leads to insulin resistance, obesity, type II diabetes, asthma and even cause to mind-boggling allergies.

A PVC blister packaging manufacturer uses PVC as a raw material to make plastic boxes, which are a high source of phthalates, cadmium, lead and more harsh chemicals.

So, we know PVC is bad news and especially when it enters the body. However, a PVC packaged container is a matter of concern for the environment, because many of the school-going children carry their tiffin in lunchboxes, and school supplies in binders. So, these containers carrying food, snacks, and school supplies are a matter of concern for school-going children. Apart from phthalates, it has other harmful chemicals like lead, organotins, and cadmium, posing an unnecessary danger to children.

But for that, there are a lot of DIY options available that both children and parents could follow. All in all, this kind of packaging is a great source of income and has proven to maintain the economic stability of the country.


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