Face shields: A good choice or not

CDC has asked all individuals to use face masks at all times. So, it makes plain mandatory to make each member of your family wear masks at all times. The point being does your family members especially the children at your house wear masks at all times? Most of the children do not. So, the face shield is a good option to explore. But if you are thinking so, collaborating with a good face shield manufacturer, can be a great choice.

face shield manufacturer

How face shields can be of help for children?

  1. More comfortable than ordinary surgical masks or N95 masks
  2. It does not touch the face but creates a preventive gear by preventing COVID variants
  3. Has a perfect fit, can be secured on the head with a headband
  4. These are transparent, so especially useful for children who have speaking or hearing disorders.
  5. Prevents respiratory droplets during sneezing and coughing as the shield covers the entire face.
  6. Parents/ guardians can easily clean wash these protective gear so that their children can wear clean ones every time they step out of their/homes.

A Minor con/point to note

When a kid wears a mask, his/her health and also his/her surrounding is protected. However, if the same kid wears a face shield, it will protect him/her but not his/her surroundings. Simply put, a face shield protects a wearer from a deadly variant entering the respiratory tract of the wearer, however, when the child sneezes, coughs, exhales, or speaks, the droplets spread widely into the surrounding.

When should a face shield be used?

  1. During eating
  2. While playing outside
  3. When the child experiences sensory issues
  4. Has a hearing or a speaking disorder
  5. A child is incapable of putting on the face mask intact until they reach their home
  6. A kid gets irritated most of the time
  7. The kid has sensitive skin and might develop ugly skin rashes when he /she tends to wear face masks for longer periods.

The best way to wear it perfectly

The CDC suggests using a face shield that reaches past the chin for children who have difficulty donning a face mask. The youngster should wash or sterilise their hands before putting on their face shield. In addition, the face shield should be disinfected or cleaned with water/alcohol after each use by the parent or child. The face shield should be entirely dry before the youngster puts it on.

A brief insight: Making & production

Professional-level competence in manufacturing and design is required to make the face shields, and these are created by professionals.

Best Raw materials 

0.50mm thick clear PET/PETG for the forehead band.

This shield is made of clear PET or PETG with a thickness of 0.50mm, and it is 0.50mm thick. Latex-free silicone strap with a thickness of 1.4-1.6mm.

Fabrication process

The final face shield is manufactured using the following techniques:

  1. Laser cutting: Toxic fumes can be released during the laser cutting process for many materials. Burrs may form on the edges of parts once they have been heated to a high enough temperature.
  2. Water jetting: If the kerf angle can be regulated, water jetting can be used to cut numerous sheets at once. There were no flammable gases released.
  3. Die-cutting: Highest throughput with die-cutting.

Final words

The above-mentioned raw materials, processes, and techniques is been included by a good face shield manufacturer. And the best way to keep on hands on the best face shield for your loved ones does by collaborating with a good face shield factory, to provide you a good lot.


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