6 Surprising Facts about Blister Packaging

Before we begin, we'll go over some fascinating facts concerning blister packaging. We'd like to inform you that this style of packaging is encountered by human life on a daily basis while purchasing medications, batteries, fountain pens, toothbrushes, lip balms, calculators, and other items. It is the most prevalent type of packaging and the most durable one too. However, there are a few facts worth highlighting. Let's have a quick look at what they are:

Savior of medicine: This type of packaging was established in the 1960s to protect the pharmaceutical industry by allowing consumers to readily obtain dosages of medication and keep them secure until they are used. Melabon, a brand name for aspirin, and the first oral contraceptives were two of the first pharmaceuticals to employ the blister packaging.

All shapes & sizes: This type of packaging affects not only the pharmaceutical sector but also the retail industry as a whole. A blister pack usually has a paperboard backing, or the goods may be totally encased in plastic with no paper backing. A blister pack can be used to protect and showcase almost any retail item.

Face seal blister packaging: These are an excellent choice for low-cost, lightweight items. A unique plastic cavity is designed to fit around the product, with a little edge sealed onto a piece of paperboard. Lip balm, glue sticks, dental floss, pencils, and other inexpensive items that traditionally hang from a peg on store shelves are suitable products for this method.

Full-Face Seal Blister A cavity is built to fit tightly around the product in a full-face seal blister pack, so when stretched the plastic to the edge of the paperboard. It may even wrap partially around the card for added security in some circumstances. This is a low-cost solution that provides a little more security than a standard face-seal blister pack offers.

 Trap Blisters: For many items, trap blisters are an excellent, economical, and environmentally friendly alternative, creating a plastic cavity and "trapping" it between two pieces of tough paperboard in this sort of packaging. This can assist prevent tampering while also reducing your overall use of plastic, which is a terrific alternative if you're looking for environmentally friendly packaging. All three varieties of blister packs – face seal, full-face seal, and trap blisters – utilise less plastic than other packaging solutions in general. 

Clamshells Are Blisters: That phrase probably makes little sense to you if you aren't familiar with the packaging line. A clamshell, on the other hand, is a blister pack that folds in on itself with a hinge at one end. While a blister pack is typically used to house retail items, clamshell packaging can be utilised for both retail and specialised food items.


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