What is an N99 mask and should you buy one?

With so many masks available in the market, it is difficult to know which mask is the most suitable one. However, insignificant they may look, they have been the most profitable protective gears against these deadly Coronaviruses. The good news is all of us already know, the best mask to protect from fluids, bacterial infection, particles and the lethal variants found in the air are N95 masks.

n99 face mask protection

But have you thought about what an N99 mask is? Is it the same as N95? If not, what is it?

Let’s start with the basics.


This N99 cup mask is a respirator. This respirator is designed to form a tight seal around the face, preventing particles and bacteria from getting too close to your nose or mouth. Respirators will certainly give the best and most reliable protection against these lethal variations, which mutate every few weeks. To qualify for the high level of filtration capacity of a mask, the N99 cup mask wholesaler shall know how to check for it.


What do the numbers and letters mean?

The letter N stands for non-oil resistant, while the number reflects the filtration value. In the instance of N95, it filters 95% of particles and provides 95% of protective equipment. N99, on the other hand, provides 99 percent of the protection.


How is the protective gear mentioned?

The percentage of particles filtered is shown by the number next to the letter.


Why more people do know about N95 masks?

N95 mask was introduced in 1972 by 3M. Over the years, one could find several N95 wholesalers in the market. There is a perfect balance between filtration and breathability. However, the N99 cup, tells you a different story.


The more particles the N99 cup respirator filters out, the harder it is to breathe! This respirator is known for less airflow. It is one of the reasons why the pitch for use of n95 masks is more than the use of the N99 masks.


Why should you buy an N99 cup respirator?

It offers better protection against these fatal times and stays you abreast of deadly variants. There is also a constant shortage of N95 masks. These can be a very good substitute for your A-line employees. If you're someone who runs errands regularly, this mask is ideal for you because it protects you from both infectious and non-infectious contaminants.


Delta variant is one of the variants which is spreading like wildfire!

 So, it is important to stay safe at all costs. In this regard L'Orange, A mechanical professor from Colorado State University (who specializes in checking the efficacy of masks) released a statement that "N99 cup respirator is your best shot available in the market when you’re trying to stay away from a mutant variant. However, he warned, "Shouldn't get mask fatigue or wear below the nose!"


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