How to train a child to wear face masks?

According to the data findings by The American Academy of Paediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association on July 22, 4.13 million children have been infected by Covid-19. Keeping this in mind, it is appropriate to train your kids to wear masks for their own good. The good news is that there are kids masks manufacturers who can provide quality masks at a reasonable price.

How to train a child to wear face masks

Get them into the Habit

It is easier said than done!
This technique involves a few tricks, precautionary measures, and a lot of positive reinforcement.

  • Focus on normalizing masks: Like the way you train your child to wash his/her hands before and after eating food, similarly, make it a routine so they fall into line. As a parent or guardian, you can occasionally add a fun element to this routine by playing peek-a-boo at home. This approach is beneficial for children aged 0 to 2 years. New-born babies, on the other hand, should not be forced to wear masks because this could result in asphyxia.
  •  Learn through Play: A variety of superhero-themed children's masks are now available. They can choose from a variety of children masks with superheroes for themselves and for their dolls or stuffed animals to play with.
  • Provide a witty explanation: This technique is especially helpful for those who are aged between 5-12 years of age. Children belonging to this age hardly listen if you do not provide a witty explanation. Children falling under this age group loved to be great helpers. As a result, reminding them that they are a savior for humanity will inspire them to wear masks and to readily follow sanitization instructions.
  • Be all ears: The goal is to listen and figure out what makes them so irritated that they don’t want to wear masks. And, then work out a way which removes those irritants and they are able to accept wearing masks in routine.


When your kid/s is ready to wear kids masks, a few pointers from the greatest mask manufacturers in India and abroad will take you a long way:
  • Wash your kid’s Hands: This is a universal rule to do things tidily. So, picking up this habit will be less of a problem. Make sure your child washes his or her hands before putting on the mask. This is a great way to keep germs and COVID variations out of a kid’s mouth and nose.
  • Fit snugly: Once your child's hands are clean, make sure the mask is secured in place with the loops or ties and that the mouth and nose are not touched. Once your child's hands are clean, make sure the mask is secured in place with the loops or ties.
  • No fidgeting: Children are prone to fidgeting with their masks. You have to tell them not to touch masks while wearing these.
  • Fold into half: When it's time to remove the masks, make sure you and your kid use the loops to do so. Also, demonstrate how to fold them in half for future usage.
  • Clean their hands: After they successfully have removed their masks, they should again wash their hands. 

Wearing a children's mask is an excellent approach to protect your kids against these dangerous versions. These recommendations, tricks, and ideas, on the other hand, will come in handy while training toddlers and children of all ages to put on masks.


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