The Good and Bad Effects of Using Surgical Masks

The world is telling you to wear a mask while gardening, fetching groceries, at work or while taking a casual stroll at the beach. With the overwhelming information, people have begun to buy surgical masks online as well as other masks in an urge to be physically fit. Today’s physical fitness comes at a cost-pollution. We will discuss both sides of the coin in detail.

surgical masks

People have strongly found and preferred the use of surgical masks a lot better than that of N95 masks. But whatever may be the case, it’s important to note the usage of the surgical mask might be good for today to prevent the harmful effect of COVID-19 but can have a long-lasting effect on the ecosystem where we live.

Good effects

Easily prevents the transfusion of pollutant gases through the surface or surgical masks.

Showing love: People want to buy surgical masks online at any cost- budget-friendly as well as costly ones too, provided the health of their loved one is saved.

Gardening: They're ideal for germinating seeds, cuttings, and bulbs. Pablo Chercasky, director of the KKL JNF Jewish National Fund's Gilat Tree Nursery in southern Israel, was the first to use the concept. They are used as growth containers instead of pots, which are substantially more expensive than masks. They are perfect for growing herbs such as basil, and mint and a Bangalore-based company called paper seed has started a venture because of the potential it has.

Bad effects

Worldwide concern:
Surgical masks littering the streets of Europe’s capitals have become an image synonymous with the pandemic. When face masks aren't tossed on the streets, they fill up public trash cans and home garbage bags, which isn't very environmentally friendly. These have jeopardized marine and aquatic habitats.

Skin problems: Like any other mask if a person wears a surgical mask for long hours, it might result in skin irritation, skin reddening, acne problem sore skin behind the ears, rashes around the nose, mouth and behind the ear, and severe skin sensitivity.

Makeup-related problems: Most women office goers prefer wearing makeup, but while you have placed a mask, it is quite impossible to do so. For one it smudges your lipstick and other makeup parts and your mask gets dirty too.

Breathing discomfort: The disadvantage is that it hurts your respiration, giving you the impression that you are unable to breathe properly (feelings of heavy, or laboured breathing). This can lead to transient dyspnea, which is a sensation of being unable to breathe or as if you are suffocating. If you're going through any of these things, you're likely to feel upset or anxious, which will worsen your situation.

Oceanic pollution: Microplastics, as well as improperly disposed face masks, can have a direct impact on wildlife by direct and indirect consumption, causing respiratory and digestive blockages, as well as death due to famine. The string of face masks can potentially generate entanglements if not properly cut. Furthermore, microscopic plastics and nano plastics from face masks endanger birds as well as pollute mankind's waterways too.


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