Tips and tricks to avoid skin ailments while wearing face masks

With almost everybody being vaccinated in your area, people have stopped wearing face masks. The sad truth is whether you are vaccinated or not, you must wear masks at all costs and at all times. However, a part of us does feel uncomfortable wearing all the time especially women who wear makeup, people who develop skin rashes, skin ailments, suffer from acne.

face mask and skin care



1. Moisturize daily: The 1st and most important step of keeping your skin free from skin ailments by washing your face with a good cleanser with no fragrance and moisturizing after it with a good moisturizer. This moisturizing trick is especially helpful for people who have dry skin that adds a moisturizing layer that protects a person from further breakouts. *Always apply moisturizer before and after you take off your mask.



Good cleanser

a.    Must contain Ceramides

b.    Must contain Dimethazone

c.    Must contain Hyaluronic acid 

Skin type

Moisturizer type

Dry skin

Use creamy consistency moisturizer

Oily skin

Use gel moisturizer

Normal/combinational skin

Use lotion consistency moisturizer

2. Lip care: It is always important to take good care of your lips after you remove your mask. The most common regimen is to apply petroleum jelly, but it will darken your lips for sure. So, the best remedy is to use cow ghee, for maximum moisturization and keep your lips pink too.

3. No makeup: If a woman wears makeup it will clog the pores, causing her skin to break out. So, if it’s mandatory to wear makeup, please use those items that won’t clog your pores.

4. Avoid irritable products: If your face is covered for more than 8 hours a day, your skin will become more sensitive as your pores are not as open when you do not wear a mask. So, try to avoid those cosmetic products that can cause skin irritability like after washes, exfoliants, chemical peels, or retinoids.

5. Take a break: We are not advising you not to wear masks for long periods but a short break is what you need. Taking a short 15mins break is what we ask, that too every 4 hours. Health care workers practice this remedy and they have experienced a better lifestyle and fewer skin reactions. So, it is an important step, so we must not forget!



Safe places to remove masks

Inside your car, outdoors when you are at least 6 feet away from people, and at home where you are least expected to get contaminated

6. Wash fabric cloths: Most masks lose their electrostatic attraction when exposed to washing and cleansing. But nowadays, researchers are advising common people to wash their cloth masks as they will try to rinse excess oils and dirt from the cloth masks you use.


Face mask usage

Washing techniques

a.    Mild detergent

b.    Wash your face masks under hot water

c.     Aroma free detergent

7. Skin treatment: If wearing masks at all times, causes acne or rosacea, then it is very best to consult a dermatologist rather than treat yourself.


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