What colours of N95 masks are in trend? What colours are not?

With so many organizations developing masks, people are offered a lot of choices while buying masks. However, a recent survey and some excerpts from the commoner’s end let you know a little deeper about the colours of the masks that are in vogue and why some people prefer a particular set of colours more. Whatever may be the reason, this post will enlighten you on a new pathway to buy N95 masks or coloured masks. Let us have a quick look at these case studies to know a little better.


Case 1: The penultimate black – Well-received

What do people think about black masks?
  • They offer more protection than coloured one’s ever do
  • These kinds of masks hide their layering giving out the perception that they offer better protection against COVID variants.
  • Black is less permeable and is more solid, so people have the perception that it is more authentic than coloured or invisible masks.
  • Psychologically people prefer black more than classic colours like blue, white

Case 2: The pure white-Well-received

What do people think about white masks?

Psychologically, white is purer so can offer better protection against COVID deadly variants.

Case 3: The transparent Mask- Dicey

What do people think about transparent masks?
  • Looks unsafe
  • Not so effective against deadly variants
  • Particularly useful for people suffering from a hearing disorder so that they can easily lip-read
  • The expression of a person will be not hidden anymore unlike coloured masks.

Case 4: Pink masks: Strongly objected

What do people think about pink masks?

Italian police strongly objected to using pink masks and immediately asked for replacement with either blue, black, or white masks. The reason was that these pink masks looked very “eccentric” and did not fit with the uniform they wore on-field.
  • Looked inappropriate
  • Too flashy
  • Jeopardise the reputation of the Italian police
  • No preowned decision about the colour pink
  • Not fit for uniformed personnel

Case 5: Coloured masks: Well-received

What do people think about coloured masks?
  • Brings good luck, fortune, for example:


















Dark blue


Pink & red


Shades of blue


Shades of green

Light purple




Shades of orange

Light purple





Shades of green



Dark green


Shades of blue

Case 6: Yellow masks: well-received

This looks like a surgical mask but with a fluid protective layer to prevent the transmission of fluids.

What do people think about yellow masks?
  • Elders prefer them over normal coloured or classic blue, black or white due to psychological perceptions
  • Believe that they bring in more productivity and better immunity

There is a little bit of astrology in it where some of the colours should be avoided at a particular time of the day and some colours need to be included. Science may rule out this part of the reason. But in any case, people trying to evoke emotions to buy face masks or other protective gear to prevent themselves from those deadly viruses.

The Pantone organization has been publishing colours for the last 20years down the lane. So, apart from actively taking part in deciding colours for the fashion events, it also has its involvement in deciding the colour of the mask. Like last year it was “boundless blue, it was more or less like the vibrant sky”. However for 2021 and onwards, the colour that was decided was a perfect mix of two contrasting colours- yellow and grey. Choosing grey alone will be too depressing and stagnant. And choosing only yellow would seem overly exciting. So, a perfect blend of both the colours seemed like an ideal choice and a unanimous decision. So the company decided on deciding a light mix of grey and yellow depicting sobriety and positivity.


Some argue that masks hide away the beautiful smiles of people. And in some instances people especially children are unable to distinguish a certain behavioural change due to the usage of masks. So, there have been numerous repercussions by different mask manufacturers, fashionistas, and important delegates to set up strict norms and tricks to drive people into wearing masks. But this post tells you in elaborate detail the finer nuances of types of masks and you can comfortably pick the one that you find most apt.


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