What are the issues, and the future prospects faced by the mask manufacturing factory?

Omicron is the new variant that spreads faster than the delta variant. So, people are speculating for a 3rd wave. Amid all this chaos, it is important to note that there is a sudden demand for masks, PPE kits and vaccinations. Quite naturally, the onus will be on the mask manufacturing factory to provide quality masks in near future to counter the threat posed by the new variant.

However, is it as easy as said-and-done for the mask making units? Do they really have well streamlined processes and sourcing that this can be achieved in no time? We do not think it is smooth sailing for the mask manufacturers also. So, discussing the issues faced by a mask manufacturing factory is vital.

Production overdrive: On average, most of the mask manufacturing units produce 250million masks in a year. However, due to this pandemic outbreak, the production units are set into overdrive. And to recuperate the growing demand, many small-sized and mid-scale manufacturing factories have started manufacturing 10,000-20,000 masks a day.
Labour cost skyrocketed: To recuperate the ongoing demand, many manufacturing units are in constant need of workers to meet the targets per day. And with the govt. advising to make people stay indoors, have taken a toll on the cost price of workers per day. And due to which many of the production houses have come to a complete standstill.
Manufacturing cost: The idea to develop a mask with 90%+ effectiveness does not end up with woven or non-woven raw materials. The cost of the mask is directly proportional to the volatile prices of oil and metal that are used in the manufacture of metal strips used in face masks.
Approvals: There have been citations in the newspapers where local as well as mid-scale face mask manufacturers are facing constant threats in meeting the approvals for carrying raw materials from different places and states.

It is clearly understood that there are no leaders in the mask manufacturing market. And if a mask manufacturing unit has developed a good technology and all the certifications and approvals are in place, it will rule this world for sure. These manufacturing units with all certifications will earn greater customer trust and will face fewer issues in the future. For the next year and a half, most of the sales will take place either through online. As people are slowly averting their focus towards online shopping, there is a scope of tremendous growth in this product line.


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