Important Facts About N99 Masks

Many people advise against purchasing N95 masks with valves because they allow too many microorganisms to get through. N95 masks, on the other hand, provide 95% protection, making them a good purchase. This is not a comparison essay in which you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of these two great masks. Both provide superior filtering. But, if you've already decided to buy N99 masks, it's high time we pointed out some of the most fascinating facts about them. Purchasing your N99 mask from a registered N99 face mask manufacturer, on the other hand, will spare you the trouble of determining whether or not your mask is authentic.

Because of the deadly situation we live in and the kind of air we breathe in, masks have become an integral part of our life. And we cannot step out of the home without wearing a snug-fit mask. So, it is important to understand some of the important guidelines before you make your purchase, which is as follows:
  1. Filters: This is the most crucial feature of your mask, as it determines how long it will last. This section is in charge of blocking hazardous elements in the air as well as the number of microorganisms that enter the channel.
  2. Carbon Filters: A mask with a carbon filter can filtrate, more particles than an ordinary one can ever do. This kind of filter can easily block bacteria, viruses, and even toxic chemicals, when inhaled can posing a serious risk to the respiratory organs.
  3. Comfort: We all know that N99 filters 99% of particles, making it a 1st hand choice from the filtration point of view. However, there is a small catch. It would be much simpler to breathe and converse if the same mask came with a micro-ventilator or breathing valve like the N95.
  4. Fit: FDA has clearly mentioned until the mask that you chose to wear, snugly fits and covers the nose, mouth, and chin, the whole point of filtration is lost. So, pick your size and order it from a registered N99 face mask manufacturer through online mode.
  5. Quality: You may be confident in the quality of your N99 mask if it is made by a licensed manufacturer who follows NIOSH requirements and guidelines to the core.
  6. Reusable: To make an N99 mask reusable involves an expensive process. But it’s worth a shot! As a result, the environment will be less polluted and a better place to live and breathe.
  7. Less Physical Activity: The N99 mask has a high breathing resistance. As a result, it is preferable to take precautions and wear them only when you are not doing strenuous physical activity.


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